.NET assemblies are files that contain compiled code and resources for .NET applications. Think of them as packaged units of functionality that your application can use to perform tasks. These assemblies can be either executables (EXEs) or libraries (DLLs). Here’s a simplified breakdown:
- Executable Assemblies (EXEs): These are the actual programs that can be run directly by the user.
- Library Assemblies (DLLs): These contain reusable code that can be used by other programs but can’t be run on their own.
Each assembly contains:
- Code: The compiled version of the code written in a .NET language (like C# or VB.NET).
- Metadata: Information about the code, like the names of classes and methods, and their relationships.
- Resources: Additional files such as images or strings that the application might need.
In summary, assemblies are the building blocks of .NET applications, grouping together code and resources in a structured way.