Few people will quarrel with the fact that better educated people generally earn more money, hold better jobs, and have greater access to the perquisites available in our society. But there is much debate over why this is the case.
A consensus has not been reached regarding the specific contribution that formal education makes to an individual’s ability to enjoy those perquisites (if indeed there is a causal relationship), the precise nature of the relationship between education and the larger society, and the causes of inequality in general. As we know education has created greater social and economic equality, has facilitated upward mobility, and has been an important factor in the reduction of poverty.
As we know, the online MBA course has provided the nation with the skilled manpower required in a modern industrialized society. As a result of continual technological advances, work has become increasingly complex. More highly skilled jobs have been created, the number of unskilled jobs has decreased, and the level of skills required within occupations is constantly being upgraded. These changes in the nature of work call for changes in the organization of work. Demand for increased productivity- to maximize the quality and quantity of available goods and services- have resulted in the bureaucratization of work, because MBA course is considered to be a technically superior from of organization.
Really More highly skilled jobs have been created, the number of unskilled jobs has decreased, and the level of skills required within occupations is constantly being upgraded.
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